Spicy green chili chicken gizzard & liver

I had the inspiration to cook it from a shared post by a friend of mine in Facebook. The recipes were different one to another, but I got the idea.

Then, just based on my taste, I decided to go with my guts. Here it is!

– 100 gr curly green chilies
– 100 gr large green chilies
– 100 gr bird’s eye chilies
– 10-15 medium shallots
– 5 garlic cloves
– Salt
– Lime leaves
– Bay leaf
– 2 cm ginger
– 2 cm galangal
– 5 pairs of liver & gizzards (around 500 gr)
– 3 small green tomatoes or 1 red tomatoes

Optional: curly lettuce (I’ll tell you why later! 😉)


  1. Simmer the liver & gizzards along with 2 cloves of garlic and salt until the gizzard is tender.
  2. Do not throw away the water after the gizzard is tender. Instead, put all kind of green chilies and the tomato and boil until they’re soft.
  3. Fry the liver and the gizzard (half fried) and then put them aside.
  4. While frying the liver and gizzard, slice the shallots and 3 cloves of garlic. Once done frying the liver and gizzard, then saute and caramelize the shallots, garlic, lime leaves, bay leaf, galangal, and ginger.
  5. Use the food processor, pulse the chilies and tomato only until they’re “shredded”. Or you can also use the mortar and pestle. I’m lazy. I chosed food processor. Not even a minute!
  6. Once the ingredients in your pan are caramelized well, mix in the shredded chili and tomato for about 2 minutes, then add in the liver and gizzard. Just mix them and that’s it. You’re done!

I had an ice cream sandwich earlier in the afternoon. So, to reduce my guilty feeling, I tried to be healthier on my dinner. I was inspired by the Bulgogi that I ate by wrapping it up with the lettuce, so I also wrap it up with the curly lettuce! And guess what? I LOVE IT!

Yellow Spiced Fried Chicken

My favorite recipe. I can cook this and keep it in the fridge and only fry it when I need!

As promised in the previous post, here is the recipe for the yellow spiced fried chicken. As far as I know, my grandma cooked this before I was born. I didn’t get the recipe from her because she never really told me how until the day she passed away. So I will decide that it is a Javanese meal, the island with the most population in Indonesia.

Some of the ingredients probably is not easy to be found. However, I will try my best to give you the alternative.

One of the sexy ingredient is Turmeric. This is the hero of this dish because this one makes the chicken yellow.turmeric

What I love about cooking this, I can just keep it in the fridge and only fry it when I want to eat. Pretty practical for modern life without having to freeze it, thaw it, etc etc…

Okay let’s start.



  • 1 Kg of chicken (you can also add liver, gizzard whatever, as long as the total weight is 1 Kg)
  • 2 bay leaves
  • Enough water to cover the whole chicken

Crushed Seasonings:

  • Salt
  • White ground pepper
  • 6 pcs candle nuts
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 tsp coriander seeds (optional, but it’ll taste better. You can replace it with ground coriander)
  • 2 cm turmeric (or maybe…1 tbsp ground turmeric. Add bit by bit from 1/2 tbsp)


  1. After you’re done crushing the seasonings, heat up the pan, put enough frying oil, and saute the crushed seasonings and bay-leaf until you smell the aroma.
  2. Then, add in the chicken, and pour the water until covering the chicken. Then, shimmer it with the small flame until the water’s gone and what’s left is just the goodness. The chicken, and the chicken fat. Until here. you’re basically done. You can leave it until it’s cooling down and store it in fridge, or just fry it.

Yeap it’s easy. That’s why it’s always been my favorite. I got 2 products. The chicken, and the spiced chicken fat (this one can be used for fried rice, veggy stir-fry etc!

Have fun!

Fried Shirataki Noodle with chicken and liver

When you try to avoid feeling guilty of the carbs, replace it with Shirataki noodle


I use Shirataki noodle because I tried to avoid carbs. But since I am a dirty Ketorian, I still use the normal sweet soy sauce and oyster sauce, even though I shouldn’t. My bad.

I didn’t even know what is the effect of candle nuts. I have no idea on how to calculate the nutrition. So… this Shirataki noodle is just to reduce my guilty feeling. But don’t take this recipe as a keto recipe.

You can also replace the yellow spiced chicken and liver with the raw one. But remember to fry them until it’s cooked before mixing it up with your noodle.

Portion: 5-6 plates

– Shirataki noodle 2 packs
– Mustard greens
– Cabbage
– Spring Onion
– Shredded yellow spiced chicken and liver (okay…I will post another recipe on this)
– Chicken fat
– 3 eggs
– Sweet soy sauce
– Oyster Sauce

Crushed seasonings:
– Salt
– White pepper corn
– 8 candle nuts
– 2 cloves of garlic
– 6 cloves of shallots (you can replace it with 1 caramelized yellow onion)


  1. Saute crushed seasonings until you can smell the aroma, then put it aside
  2. Scramble the eggs
  3. Add in the crushed seasonings, shredded yellow spiced chicken and liver, mustard greens, cabbage and spring onion.
  4. Mix it up until the mustard greens are half cooked, then add in shirataki noodle. Add sweet soy sauce and and oyster sauce and mix it up again until the color is evenly brown from the sweet soy sauce.
  5. You’re done!

The Best and Easiest Chicken Gravy Recipe

So, today I’m feeling a bit like an adventurer. I wanna make chicken gravy from the scratch based on ingredients I love and think are the best pair for chicken. So I decided NOT to take a look at any recipes and just go with my guts. It turned out AMAZING!

No. I’m not the only person who said it, by the way. Both my bf and his best buddy said it too. Then I decided to write down the recipe now before my limited memory decided to archive it to the place I would never be able to retrieve. (yeah, I’m THAT bad. hihihi)

This gravy is best made using homemade chicken stock (I promise I will give you the recipe as soon as I make it this week), and chicken fat that was dripped of your roasted chicken. But of course, you can just replace every cup of chicken stock with 1 chicken bullion cube and 250 ml (1 cup) of water, then double the butter to replace the chicken fat. (BUT, I really recommend the chicken fat drips!).

Here are the INGREDIENTS:

  • 1 tbsp butter (you can use salted or unsalted butter. Just remember to adjust the salt)
  • 1 yellow onion
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 2 tsp dried thyme
  • 1 tbsp cumin (a lot? yes, that’s because I love it. But you can adjust it to your taste. Start with 2 tsp at least)
  • 2 tbsp all-purpose flour
  • 2 tbsp chicken fat drips (or replace it with butter)
  • 2 cups of chicken stock (or 2 chicken bouillon cube + 500 ml water)
  • Black pepper
  • Salt


  1. Start with 1 tbsp butter in a pan using just medium flame, and add the thinly sliced yellow onion right after the butter is melted.
  2. Once the onion starts to look transparent, add in the thinly sliced garlic. Keep turning them until caramelized.
  3. Once it’s beginning to be caramelized, add dried thyme and cumin and keep turning them around 2 minutes.
  4. Add in all-purpose flour and mix it with the onion and the garlic and after they’re mixed, pour the chicken fat (or extra butter) in and turn it for 1 minute, then pour in the chicken stock (or water with the chicken bouillon cube).
  5. Shimmer it on small flame to thicken to about 1 cup (Since you need to strain it later, take a wild guess that after it’s strained, it’ll be 1 cup)
  6. Season it with salt and pepper, taste it, and after you’re happy with it, leave it there for 2 extra minutes before straining it.
  7. Now all you need to do is just straining the gravy and prepare to receive praises with grace!

What can you do with the gravy? Well, pour it on a chicken sandwich for breakfast, or on your mashed potato at lunch and on your roasted chicken for dinner! You can even pour it on your pasta! Use your wild imagination! Be crazy about it JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN! Make more of it because this recipe is only made for 1 cup of gravy!

Lemme know how it goes! If you twist this, let me know how you twist it and I promise I will give it a try!