Fried Shirataki Noodle with chicken and liver

When you try to avoid feeling guilty of the carbs, replace it with Shirataki noodle


I use Shirataki noodle because I tried to avoid carbs. But since I am a dirty Ketorian, I still use the normal sweet soy sauce and oyster sauce, even though I shouldn’t. My bad.

I didn’t even know what is the effect of candle nuts. I have no idea on how to calculate the nutrition. So… this Shirataki noodle is just to reduce my guilty feeling. But don’t take this recipe as a keto recipe.

You can also replace the yellow spiced chicken and liver with the raw one. But remember to fry them until it’s cooked before mixing it up with your noodle.

Portion: 5-6 plates

– Shirataki noodle 2 packs
– Mustard greens
– Cabbage
– Spring Onion
– Shredded yellow spiced chicken and liver (okay…I will post another recipe on this)
– Chicken fat
– 3 eggs
– Sweet soy sauce
– Oyster Sauce

Crushed seasonings:
– Salt
– White pepper corn
– 8 candle nuts
– 2 cloves of garlic
– 6 cloves of shallots (you can replace it with 1 caramelized yellow onion)


  1. Saute crushed seasonings until you can smell the aroma, then put it aside
  2. Scramble the eggs
  3. Add in the crushed seasonings, shredded yellow spiced chicken and liver, mustard greens, cabbage and spring onion.
  4. Mix it up until the mustard greens are half cooked, then add in shirataki noodle. Add sweet soy sauce and and oyster sauce and mix it up again until the color is evenly brown from the sweet soy sauce.
  5. You’re done!

Author: Ayieks

A woman. His partner in crime. A daughter. A mother. A friend. A colleague. A neighbor. A CX enthusiast. A digital marketing enthusiast. A traveler. A lover. A loner. A gadget enthusiast. A cooking recipe twister. An internet crawler.

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